Friday, March 14, 2008

homosexuality immoral

Even beyond religious circles, the most of global society in history has considered homosexuality not only immoral, but also contradictory to the civilized. " He received such a barrage of criticism that he issued a statement of. General Pace Calls Homosexuality Immoral Peter Pace likened homosexuality to adultery, which he said was also immoral, the newspaper reported on its Web. This is generally because they have been raised to believe this and because of the sexist. Why spend time trying to rationalize and defend wickedness. . HOMOSEXUALITY:. . . Basic question. Pace gave voice to historic Judeo-Christian beliefs when he said that both homosexual acts and adultery are immoral, yet instantly he was accused of blind. We apologize for the inconvenience. So, to claim that homosexuality is immoral, one needs to give reasons that are not subjective or faith-based and that can be accepted and debated by. 'Homosexuality is Not Immoral', by Peter Singer (Project Syndicate).

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